
The health and wellbeing of employees is critical for a productive and happy workforce. Monica works closely with HR teams and Chief Wellbeing Officers, focusing on strategies to support employees with existing health conditions to stay in work or return-to-work, after a period of sickness absence.

Services include:

1 Sickness absence prevention and intervention strategies: Focusing on tailored evidence-based approaches to help employees stay in work and return-to-work, after a period of sickness absence.

2 One-to-one Vocational rehabilitation: Monica can support employees directly to help prevent a sickness episode or promote return-to-work. Key to any intervention is the interaction with relevant stakeholders, including the Line Manager, HR, Occupational Health, and any other existing support mechanisms. Suitable for employees who are still at work but struggling to cope with health issues or any other psychosocial stressors, including work and home issues.

3 Training: Line Managers play a key role in the wellbeing of employees. Training topics include: awareness of psychosocial factors impacting work performance and sickness absence risk, remote working challenges and opportunities, effective communication focusing on emotional intelligence, establishing return-to-work plans with absent employees.